"The IDF's disregard for press insignia, both after and prior to October 7, endangers the lives of journalists." ...
Cybercrime Law has been employed to prosecute and imprison peaceful protesters for social media posts expressing solidarity ...
This is the first time any RSF representative has been denied entry or held at the Hong Kong airport. This statement was originally published on rsf.org on 10 April 2024. A representative of Reporters ...
Authorities have reportedly finalized a plan to restrict or completely block access to Facebook in Afghanistan. This statement was originally published on cpj.org on 8 April 2024. The Committee to ...
On 9 April, the Oslo District Attorney’s Office dismissed the case regarding the attempted murder of publisher William Nygaard, who was shot and seriously injured on 11 October 1993. This statement ...
Ugandans turn to digital spaces to push for transparency and accountability and spotlight parliament's excesses. This statement was originally published on cipesa.org on 28 March 2024. The viral ...
If passed into law, Angola's National Security Bill could obstruct the public's right to access information. This statement was originally published on cpj.org on 1 April 2024. Angola’s proposed ...
CPJ speaks to three women journalists working tirelessly across borders to support Gaza's embattled press corps. This statement was originally published on cpj.org on 3 April 2024. New York-based Hoda ...
Burkinabé journalist Newton Ahmed Barry's conviction without a fair trial raises questions about the rights for defence. This statement was originally published on mfwa.org on 2 April 2024. The Media ...
“Georgian authorities' revival of a bill that would smear media outlets as foreign-controlled is deeply concerning and utterly incompatible with their claim of aligning with European democratic ...
As Algeria prepares for presidential elections this year, the amendments to the Penal Code are set to deepen repression. This statement was originally published on cihrs.org on 8 April 2024. New ...