Oliver Eagleton on Will Hutton, This Time No Mistakes. Lessons for the incoming Labour government on humanizing British ...
New Left Review analyses world politics, the global economy, state powers and protest movements; contemporary social theory, history, philosophy and culture.
Revolutionaries have traditionally believed that there are three forms of class struggle. The first two are both relatively obvious: political mobilization and economic organization. But in addition ...
In the wake of the Depression, a series of labour rebellions ripped through the British Caribbean archipelago like a powerful hurricane. Starting in St. Kitts in 1935, unrest and strikes rapidly moved ...
Bourgeois ideology in nineteenth-century England confronted a severe problem. footnote 1 Its withered roots in the sparse soil of utilitarianism seriously limited its ability to produce a richly ...
Since the financial crash of 2007–08, the state of mainstream economics—already faced with incipient revolt from students, economic commentators and, increasingly, economists themselves—has become an ...
The book is full of, one might almost say overflowing with, ideas and interpretations. There are many subsidiary themes which contribute to the main structure of the argument, and these cannot all be ...
‘What distinguishes the analyst is that he makes of a function that is common to all men a privileged use: when he becomes the bearer of the word. For this is indeed what the analyst does for the ...
The names of Leon Trotsky and Rosa Luxemburg have often been linked, sometimes with good reason and sometimes also without. It has been said, wrongly, that they shared before 1917 a common view of ...
Donald Sassoon’s One Hundred Years of Socialism is in physical form as well as in intellectual content very suitable to its actual object of study, Western European social democracy and labourism ...