A law enforcement unit specializing in stolen boats and marine equipment seized the items during the Big Bass Splash on Sam ...
When a giant bull elk escaped a Wisconsin game farm and efforts to recapture it failed, the DNR called upon a retired Marine.
Clarence Yoder of Idaho Falls, Idaho allegedly kicked a bison while drunk on April 21, resulting in injuries and wildlife ...
Lever actions have always been popular, but the tactical lever action brings the platform to a new level of efficiency and ...
Grizzly bears will be reintroduced in the North Cascades, and the federal government released new details about the ...
A giant sturgeon caught off the coast of California in March could have been close to world-record size. It was an estimated ...
The Oracle Arms 2311 blends striker-fired and 2011-style pistol features into a fast-shooting concealed-carry pistol.
Footage of spearfisherman Jose Liccardo losing a large wahoo to a crowd of roughly 10 sharks resurfaced on Instagram on April ...
An outraged public is viewing the Wyoming wolf torture incident as a reflection of hunting. Hunters are outraged, too, but ...
The nearly half-ton bluefin tuna is the largest ever recorded off the Florida coast. It doesn't qualify as a record because ...
Joshua Heckathorn was arrested and charged with a litany of crimes after he broke into an Oregon fish hatchery and poisoned ...
Daniel Whitesitt caught the 25-inch Westslope cutthroat trout on a stonefly nymph and then released it back into the river.