Several financial red flags may warn you that your spending priorities are out of whack. Here are 14 you shouldn't ignore.
Discover 11 hidden ways you might be losing money, from neglected subscriptions to daily habits. Learn how to stop the drain and save more. You work hard to find ways to save, and you may think you’ve ...
As temperatures climb, so can your energy bills. But with a few proactive steps, you can keep your home cool and comfortable without breaking the bank. Here’s a quick guide to some cost-effective ...
Weeds can spoil the look of a flowerbed, rob valuable nutrients from the soil and can be a general nuisance. If you don’t keep up with them, they can be even more troublesome to get rid of. While they ...
Do words like “thrifty” or “frugal” have a negative connotation to you? Most of us have that frugal friend or thrifty family member who has no qualms about saving money at the expense of life’s ...
If there’s an avalanche of food spilling out of the freezer compartment of your refrigerator every time you open it, or if stuff is buried so deep in your chest freezer that you’ve stopped even trying ...
Dawn® dishwashing liquid, introduced in 1972 by Proctor & Gamble, is just a few years younger than me, and I don’t think I remember not seeing a bottle under the kitchen sink as a child or an adult.
Don’t let spring cleaning mess up your budget. Use these tips to save and make money cleaning and decluttering your home. Now that spring cleaning is upon us, it’s tempting to stock up during the many ...
Egg prices have doubled since 2020, and while they are cheaper now than in 2023, prices remain relatively high. Once again, bird flu is driving up egg prices. Saving money on eggs doesn’t just boil ...
If you’re looking for ways to trim expenses, the age-old saying “a little goes a long way” couldn’t be more helpful. A surprisingly simple yet often overlooked way to save is to cut back on the amount ...
When it comes to cutting costs, the grocery store is often the first battleground for many people adopting a frugal lifestyle. However, like most personal finance or frugal living advice, not all ...
Each week we publish a new batch of money-saving tips from our frugal readers that can help you stretch your dollars and live better for less. The only products I actually buy (after watching for ...