New data shows a small increase in disabled doctors but highlights uneven residency match rates across specialties.
Exposing saliva that is infected with COVID-19 to certain teas may reduce the viral load, possibly helping reduce ...
IV vitamin drips are marketed to offer a wide range of benefits, but there's no evidence to support these claims. In some ...
Health and fitness influencers often recommend their followers eat more than 100 grams of protein each day, but how much ...
The FDA recently approved a new type of treatment for late-stage ovarian cancer. The medication belongs to a class of drugs ...
A COVID-19 rash is one of the many symptoms of COVID-19 that can occur in children or adults. It is caused by an overactive immune response that results in inflammation and discoloration, typically in ...
A basic metabolic panel (BMP) is a group of eight common blood tests that examine several body functions. It is similar to a comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP), but the BMP includes fewer tests. This ...
A stroke occurs when blood supply to the brain is blocked or interrupted by a burst vessel. Recent data indicates that 1 in 6 deaths from cardiovascular disease was due to stroke. Stroke is the ...
Seasonal allergic conjunctivitis, also called allergic rhinoconjunctivitis, is the most common type of AC. It is caused by a reaction to pollens and spores during certain spring and summer months, ...
In diplopia (double vision), you see more than one image at the same time. This may occur in just one or both eyes. It may come on suddenly and be temporary, or it can be something you've experienced ...
If you have astigmatism, your vision may be blurry and distorted instead of sharp and crisp. In astigmatism, the cornea (the clear dome that covers your eye) or the lens (which focuses light rays on ...