The impermeable membrane of partisanship that sheathes American voters’ brains may not be good for the country, but it sure ...
Criminals inflicted unprecedented fraud on taxpayer benefits during the pandemic, and some of the most abused programs were ...
Scott Weiner, a California state senator from San Francisco and its environs, has become known nationwide for pushing ...
Stanford's yearly report presents a data-based overview of AI's progress across significant areas, including research, ethics, policy, public perception, and economics.
Equitable grading is grounded in the belief that a grade should reflect what a student knows—not how they behaved, not how many attempts it took them to get the right answer, and not whether they did ...
Neurodivergent people make up about 15 to 20 percent of the total population, but they are still deeply misunderstood, underserved, and underutilized by employers and the broader workforce system.
While basic discharge petitions—those filed directly on a substantive bill—are moot if the committee of jurisdiction reports the measure before the motion to discharge is made on the floor, discharge ...
For Donald Trump’s claim that he should be immune from prosecution for his interference in the 2020 election, the Supreme Court rolled out a new statement of the issue, essentially asking whether a ...
Pop Quiz! Before reading on, please provide your best guesses matching the presidential administration with with the annual rate of carbon dioxide emissions reductions over each president’s term in ...
Beijing’s publicly released military budget is inaccurate and does not adequately capture the colossal scope and scale of China’s ongoing military buildup and wide-ranging armed forces modernization.
President Donald Trump shocked America with his moral equivalence when, against the backdrop of a 2017 white supremacist rally in Charlottesville and the murder of a counterprotester, he declared, ...
Defense CEOs hate them but once embraced them. The Pentagon oftentimes prefers them. Congress outlawed them, then mandated them, and then changed its mind again. In the end, all sides can come away ...