May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and there’s no better way to start it off than taking the first step in seeking help or ...
By the nature of how depression manifests itself, it’s often hard for those in its grip to seek any support, let alone ...
Addiction is an attachment disorder. Human beings, addicts or not, only know and repeat what was modeled for them during childhood. I like to call ages 0-10 healthy narcissism given that the ...
“what am I missing; I keep relapsing and don’t know why I have such a difficult time remaining clean and sober?” We admit a patient to treatment with distorted definitions of concepts ...
Notice to users GoodTherapy is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, medical treatment, or therapy. Always seek the advice of your physician or qualified mental ...
Every successful relationship relies on healthy emotional dynamics, wherein each partner is not only aware of their own emotions but has the tools to regulate them and is also comfortable being ...
In a fight, there is a winner and a loser and most of us want to win. So, if you are fighting with your spouse, and you are the winner, that would make them the loser. Do you really want your ...
When faced with a personal conflict, relationship or family troubles, or a mental health condition such as depression, stress, or anxiety, many people turn to a therapist for help. A therapist is ...
For decades, scientists and other researchers have focused primarily on intelligence--usually measured through IQ tests--as the most significant predictor of success. However, there are forms of ...
Psychotherapy approaches are many and varied. Some types of therapy have been in use for decades, such as person-centered therapy (also known as Rogerian therapy), and others are relatively new ...
Interpersonal communication skills affect every interaction we have. From negotiating for a promotion to resolving a conflict with a spouse, good communication skills can greatly improve life ...
People are increasingly defining themselves by their line of work, and the first question most people hear upon meeting someone new is, "What do you do?" It is no wonder that career happiness is a ...