The Unit­ed Na­tions says that fol­low­ing the in­stal­la­tion of a tran­si­tion­al coun­cil in Haiti, sev­en coun­tries of­fi­cial­ly no­ti­fied the UN Sec­re­tary-Gen­er­al on Fri­day of their ...
The size of the wait­ing list for af­ford­able hous­ing from the state-run Hous­ing De­vel­op­ment Cor­po­ra­tion (HDC) is ri­valled on­ly by the huge debt owed by its delin­quent ten­ants.
JavaScript is disabled in your web browser or browser is too old to support JavaScript. Today almost all web pages contain JavaScript, a scripting programming language that runs on visitor's web ...
The at­tack led to the clo­sure of ten ma­jor beach­es on the is­land, as pan­icked bathers and fish­er­men re­port­ed sight­ings of the shark fol­low­ing the at­tack. News of the in­ci­dent made its ...
The Di­vi­sion of Tourism, Cul­ture, An­tiq­ui­ties and Trans­porta­tion has as­sured that vis­i­tor safe­ty is a ma­jor pri­or­i­ty. The as­sur­ance came af­ter a shark at­tack on a British tourist ...
The Op­po­si­tion Leader has is­sued a call in the Par­lia­ment for the Prime Min­is­ter to ini­ti­ate a foren­sic au­dit in­to the op­er­a­tions of the South West­ern Re­gion­al Health Au­thor­i­ty ...
A three-mem­ber team from the Pan Amer­i­can Health Or­ga­ni­za­tion (PA­HO) com­plet­ed its in­ves­ti­ga­tion in­to the deaths of sev­en ba­bies at the Port-of-Spain Neona­tal In­ten­sive Care ...
Trib­utes are pour­ing in for Dr Gillian Paul, the es­teemed for­mer pres­i­dent of the Col­lege of Sci­ence, Tech­nol­o­gy, and Ap­plied Arts of T&T (COSTAATT), who died this week.
A man from Diego Mar­tin has part­ly suc­ceed­ed in his ap­peal over be­ing con­vict­ed of re­sist­ing ar­rest and ob­struct­ing a road­way.
San­gre Grande po­lice have seized the li­censed firearm of a San­gre Grande Re­gion­al Cor­po­ra­tion coun­cil­lor as they in­ves­ti­gate an in­ci­dent that caused him to draw the weapon on a ...
Rel­a­tives of busi­ness­man Ear­le Sam­soon­deen hud­dled in fear in­side their home as some 20 gun­shots rang out, un­aware that he was un­der ...
While a pay in­crease may not be on the ta­ble for Cepep work­ers, Rur­al De­vel­op­ment and Lo­cal Gov­ern­ment Min­is­ter Faris Al-Rawi says the com­pa­ny will be­come di­ver­si­fied to in­clude ...