Discover effective strategies to overcome the IDIOT (Internet Derived Information Obstructing Treatment) syndrome and optimize asthma care.
Explore the intricate relationship between asthma and cognitive function, unveiling the profound impact this respiratory condition has on the brain.
Inadequate asthma education fuels misunderstandings and misinformation, resulting in critical treatment delays for this respiratory ailment.
Women face unique cardiovascular risk factors often overlooked Poor awareness and preventive measures contribute to adverse outcomes Urgent need for awareness campaigns and preventive interventions ...
Research from Northwestern Medicine unveils a universal trend of loneliness in adulthood, showing a U-shaped trajectory.
Transferring blood cells to weakened newborns via their umbilical cord poses no long-term neurodevelopmental risks compared ...
Plant-Based, Hydrogel-like Microfibers as an Antioxidant Platform for Skin Burn Healing - ( ...
Auto-Brewery Syndrome (ABS), a rare condition where the body internally produces alcohol that resembles intoxication. Learn about its origins, symptoms, and treatment options.
New study reveals that parental monitoring deters teen substance use by fostering fear of detection, not punishment, highlighting the crucial role of parental awareness.
Understanding psychosis origins using AI offers hope for better mental health treatments, with focus on the brain's anterior insula & ventral striatum.
Explore how obesity, poor diet, and inactivity fuel early-onset cancers. Learn preventive measures for a healthier future.
First FDA Advisory Committee meeting for potential new PTSD treatment in 25 years ...