Pew Research Center has its origins in a research project created in 1990 by the Times Mirror newspaper company and called ...
Explore the geographic distribution and demographics of America's major religious groups.
Registered voters have become more educated, more racially and ethnically diverse, older and more religiously diverse in ...
The Democratic Party holds a substantial edge among younger registered voters – a pattern that has been in place for more ...
The Republican Party now holds a 15-point advantage among White registered voters and a 6-point edge for voters without a ...
Partisanship remains strongly linked to registered voters’ religious affiliation, and religious “nones” have become more ...
Registered voters in urban areas mostly align with the Democratic Party. Rural areas are increasingly Republican and suburbs ...
Registered voters are evenly split between the two parties: 49% are Democrats or lean Democratic, 48% are Republicans or lean ...
In 2019 women in the United States earned 82% of what men earned, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of median ...
Most say Francis represents change in the church. And many say the church should allow priests to marry and let Catholics use ...
Americans view their state and local governments far more positively than the federal government in Washington.
Democrats have an edge among registered voters in the lowest and highest income tiers, union members and voters who rent ...