Safeguarding in the church has become a high-profile and contentious issue. On the one hand, all agree that our churches must ...
The Sunday lectionary reading for Easter 5 in Year B is Jesus' teaching that he is the true vine in John 15.1–8. It is a ...
I visited Vintage City Church in Fort Collins, Colorado, to talk about the Book of Revelation over the weekend and preach in ...
The Sunday lectionary reading for Easter 5 in Year B is Jesus’ teaching that he is the true vine in John 15.1–8. It is a ...
These are testing times for anyone even loosely connected with charismatic life within, or adjacent to, the Church of England ...
The lectionary gospel readers for the Fourth Sunday of Easter take the three parts of John 10 in turn; in Year A, we read the ...
The gospel lectionary reading for Year B is the second part of John 10 (John 10.11-18) on the theme of Jesus as the Good ...
Last week I visited Vintage City Church in Fort Collins, Colorado, to talk about the Book of Revelation over the weekend and preach in their main Sunday services. Vintage City Church is a really ...
I write a quarterly column for Preach magazine, in which I explore a significant word or phrase in the Bible, or a theme or section of Scripture, and the ideas that it expresses. At the end of this ...