It seems like tomatoes get all the gardening love. But we’re putting aside those divas of the garden to talk about a cucurbit that also has a bit of a reputation – zucchini. We all joke about how ...
Oh man, I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to bite into that first cool, crisp slice of cucumber from the garden this year. But before we can do that, we need to get them in the ground. Here are ...
Summer is right around the corner! We blinked, and now spring is halfway over. If you had plans for a spring garden, but the season got away from you, it’s not too late. Many spring veggies are cool ...
I first came across the term “edimental” when I was looking up whether I could eat this mesmerizing little plant that I had bought on impulse. It’s called purple Shiso (aka Perilla frutescens var.
It was only a few years ago that most of us had never even heard of mycorrhiza. Many barely paid attention to the vast network of microbes beneath our feet. But as more scientists began to check out ...
If you grow any vining houseplant, chances are, you wish it were fuller. Pothos, tradescantia, philodendrons, monstera adansonii – they’re all beautiful and popular houseplants. But they have a habit ...
You know, those cute little countertop composters that everyone is reviewing and that keep popping up in your social media ads. I was pretty excited to try out the Lomi, not to mention silently ...
Do you like conducting experiments? Are you intrigued by the idea that underwear has something to do with gardening? I was, too, my friend. Keep reading. I wasn’t a big fan of experiments in chemistry ...
With the explosion of e-commerce over the last few years, most people seem to have far too many cardboard boxes lying around. Luckily I’ve got a great way to make the most of them in your garden. It’s ...
Tomato cages are the cruelest punk on home gardeners. They’re never tall enough and always seem to fall apart as soon as the branches get unwieldy and the fruit gets heavy — you know, just when you ...