Now, the study found that there has been an uptick in days in which the air quality is unhealthy. Wildfires, heat waves, and ...
One Reddit user shared an image of a stunning natural lawn, sparking a discussion about eco-friendly grass alternatives.
One hiker shared their story of cleaning up trash at Scott’s Run to discourage the defiling of other natural settings.
Scientists at the MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center made a major breakthrough that could reshape the way we generate power ...
The California High-Speed Rail Authority is accepting proposals to manufacture the first high-speed electric train in the ...
Maryland’s waters are overwhelmed by unwanted visitors, and the state is offering thousands of dollars in grants to solve the ...
While tax incentives in the Inflation Reduction Act have made money-saving, cleaner technologies including solar panels and ...
The University of Maryland Extension notes that this kind of clover is native to Europe, but plants native to our own region ...
One entitled visitor to Yellowstone National Park thought it would be a good idea to take a photo next to a bison calf.
PAD Studio conducted a 10-year study on a low-energy house it designed — nicknamed the New Forest Home — to see just how ...
A new CBS News and YouGov poll shows a strong majority of Americans support taking steps to address climate change.
An AI sorting system developed by EverestLabs can help recycling plants recover valuable materials that would otherwise end ...