Just because everyone in your gym is sipping pre-workout and snacking on protein bars doesn't mean they're right for you.
Among some population groups, it’s not unusual to down a four or more vitamins or supplements every day, new research shows.
A recent study suggests that just one large dose of creatine supplements may improve cognitive performance in people who are ...
Fatty fish such as salmon, sardines, herring and mackerel are top sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential ...
An analysis by U.S. military researchers found that of 30 weight-loss supplements tested, the majority had inaccurate labels ...
Collagen supplements promise to help you achieve healthy hair, nails and skin. But are they worth the hype? Here's what to ...
PRIOR TO APRIL 22, 2024, anyone of any age in any state could buy a weight-loss or muscle-building supplement. This included ...
Data shows that cases of inflammatory bowel disease and colon cancer are on the rise. At the same time, social media is ...
Even though omega-3 deficiencies are crucial for mental and physical health in UK children, they have become commonplace.
We might start contemplating the need to improve our diet and exercise habits, perhaps even investing in gadgets like step ...
Question: Several years ago, the Listener published an article about research from the University of Auckland which found calcium supplements could cause a stroke. I suffered a stroke. I was taking ...
Whey, leucine and collagen can have especially good benefits for midlifers and older adults, not just gym bros ...