Pentecost is a celebration that some Christians observe each year. While it always takes place after Easter, the fluctuation ...
Pentecost, said Fr. Louis Cona of New York, is the "preeminent celebration of the Holy Spirit" — and is celebrated on Sunday, ...
To the editor, Circles of Support would like to thank the parishoners at Faith United Church of Christ, First Lutheran Church, Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church, ...
By Rod Anderson “Globalization” is not a new concept, as Thomas Friedman would have us believe in his book, “The World is Flat.” It’s been around since Pentecost, and that was a long time ...
The Bible story of Pentecost is retold - with a twist ... The duration is 4' 50" and the final words are: 'Now this is a celebration!' 4. After the video Ask everyone to think about how the ...
Pentecost is a festival of celebration and the church is often decorated in red as a symbol of the “tongues of fire”.