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Zawartość wygenerowana przez sztuczną inteligencję
These reels are great for a variety of fishing situations, from bottom fishing to offshore grouper and snapper digging. They are smooth and reliable, and come at a great price. They are also easy to use and maintain, and are suitable for a range of sizes.


  • Smooth and quiet operation
  • Holds plenty of braid
  • Reliable performance
  • Affordable price
  • Multiple fishing situations


  • Paint bubbles off
  • Poor warranty department
  • Limited durability
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The Shimano SpeedMaster II Lever Drag Reel is a high-performance, lightweight reel that offers unrelenting power and dependability. With its rigid Hagane Body, wide adjustable drag, and spare drag lever for optimal use with monofilament lines, this fish fighting machine can handle anything from tough pelagic species to bottom dwelling heavy weights. Ideal for trolling, chunking, live-lining or jigging - the SpeedMaster II has everything you need to come out on top.

Cechy produktu

ModelSpeedmaster Ii
TypeDrag Reel