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750 Lumens, 9 Watt, 4000K, LED A19 Light Bulb, 60 Watt Equal, Medium Base, 120V, PLTS-12223 | 1000 Bulbs

Plastic housing for shatter and shake resistance Smooth dimming with compatible dimmer Frosted bulb for even lighting UL listed for damp locations Provide smooth lighting transitions and adjustable brightness with this dimmable LED A19 light bulb by PLT. Energy efficient, it last up to 10,000 hours and uses only 9 watts of energy while providing th…
Plastic housing for shatter and shake resistance Smooth dimming with compatible dimmer Frosted bulb for even lighting UL listed for damp locations Provide smooth lighting transitions and adjustable brightness with this dimmable LED A19 light bulb by PLT. Energy efficient, it last up to 10,000 hours and uses only 9 watts of energy while providing the equivalent luminosity of a 60-watt incandescent bulb, saving you in energy and replacement cost. Perfect for use in offices, retail stores and work spaces, the 4000 Kelvin color provides a neutral white light. The standard E26 medium base makes this LED bulb ideal for use in any household or office socket.
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Plastic housing for shatter and shake resistance Smooth dimming with compatible dimmer Frosted bulb for even lighting UL listed for damp locations Provide smooth lighting transitions and adjustable brightness with this dimmable LED A19 light bulb by PLT. Energy efficient, it last up to 10,000 hours and uses only 9 watts of energy while providing the equivalent luminosity of a 60-watt incandescent bulb, saving you in energy and replacement cost. Perfect for use in offices, retail stores and work spaces, the 4000 Kelvin color provides a neutral white light. The standard E26 medium base makes this LED bulb ideal for use in any household or office socket.